Swimming With Frida

Common misconception, swimming with dolphins is only for children!  I have to admit, I was a bit apprehensive when Frida, a dainty 8 foot, 785 pound dolphin nosed close for an introductory kiss. She reeked of mackerel; however, her playful nature quickly won me over. My dolphin encounter left me transfixed and craving another hour in the tank.

Knowledgeable trainers introduce you to a gentle, friendly dolphin in a shallow water pool. The encounter begins with a soft touch to her smooth skin, reward her with a fish and continue the amazing interaction of play and swimming. Frida clicked her approval and nuzzled me for more fish! Beautiful and intelligent creatures, an up close personal interaction is beyond thrilling. A learning experience in a well-managed park introduces the general public to these bright creatures.

Most people don’t have an opportunity to witness Bottlenose dolphins in the wild. The unique opportunity to observe and learn in the protected sanctuary of these centers, directly with live animals increases public awareness and adds appreciation of wildlife.

Several deep dives to the bottommost of the tank holding onto Frida’s dorsal and pectoral fin was exhilarating. A swim mask allows you to enjoy the amazingly fast swim through the water, her flukes just grazing your toes. Despite her obvious strength, she was playful and gentle. Showing off, splashing, nudging and displaying high leaps and  twists for fish treats. I had no idea the size and sharpness of their teeth, Frida patiently let me check her teeth and marvel at the length of her tongue, in trade for a fish, of course.

In the secure environment of dolphin and marine mammal educational facilities experts can examine aspects of dolphin biology that are difficult or impossible to study in the wild; people can observe, up close, these remarkable brilliant creatures.

Not only do we interview the brightest guides, inspect five star hotels and meet management, we go to extreme measures to assure your enjoyment in a dolphin tank!

Journey to the best centers in Cabo and Punta Mita, exclusive encounters of course!



Los Cabos Myths and Truths

Some say pirates once inhabited the area and you might hear rumors of a shipload of sunken treasure buried under the sparkling Sea of Cortez.

In the mountain regions around Cabo, large teeth from the 200 million-year-old Megalodon sharks can be discovered; they are thought to be a grandfather of the Great White Shark. Finding one brings good fortune.

Each year in early autumn, one of nature’s most enchanting seasonal renewals occur—the migration of hundreds of whales from the frigid waters of the Arctic to the temperate and tranquil bays surrounding the Baja Peninsula. From December to April, there is no better place to observe and delight in the display than Los Cabos.

Making their journey south, completing a 12,000-mile migration by late December and staying until late April when they repeat their journey northward. Idyllic weather, shallow waters, salinity and abundant marine life in the bays and lagoons north of Los Cabos provide a perfect place for whales to birth and rear their young.

An afternoon spent on the sea generally yields an up close look at these majestic creatures; one never tires of their majesty. Baby whales seemingly relishing and frolicking in tail smacking or lobtailing antics, although it appears this practice is for sheer delight, it will eventually aid them in stunning or scaring prey.

From the serenity of your casita, reclined in your beach hammock or bobbing on the sea on a yacht or power raft, whale watching is forever thrilling.

For lounge inhabitants, cabana boys announce the whale performance with the legendary blowing of the conch shell.

Truths: Los Cabos is a picture-perfect mixture of languid afternoons and playful whales.
Journey with Our Whale Whisperer!